Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting Parents On Your Side...

Yesterday we did an open house for the parents of our preschool ministry. 
I think I underestimate the ability of parents who want to come alongside our ministry. Often we think that we want to come alongside parents, but instead we ask them to come alongside us in the fight for their children's relationship with Jesus. Boy, we need to change!
I am amazed at how parents are open to us as we choose to come alongside them as they parent and do life with their family. 
We chose to do our open house during our service times and invited parents to come to our large group time. Afterward, we kept them in our space and shared what we hope for their child's  spiritual development. We offered some resources and encouragement.
As a dad, I get excited when people take interest in my children. I realize that not all parents grew up learning about Jesus or how to walk with Christ into adulthood. We are eager to learn what strategies are working for other people.
This week, think about how you might come alongside families that you are in the game with. If you have 40 hours a year with their kids, and they have around 3000 hours, how can you equip parents to fight for their kids hearts?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Special Needs kids and the gospel?

Recently saw the Facebook post from a young adult that had a brother with down syndrome.  She posted some pictures that are really accentuating the value of her brother on his 18th birthday and how that even with down syndrome he was valued, valuable and could make a difference in this world.

It made me start thinking about our children's ministry and an interaction with one of our families who has a child with special needs. Their family engages them in every activity the family does, yesterday we were bowling with them at a birthday party. It grieved me, because I realized we don't engage their son as deeply with the gospel each week he is at church. We just focus on keeping him safe.

Do you have a special needs ministry at your church. What does that mean for you? Does it mean that you provide a safe place for special needs kids to be so that the rest of the family can be engaged in ministry? Or is your special needs ministry one that engages children with special needs with the Gospel and allows them to understand that  God made them,  God loves them and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever?

Here's my challenge this week: Take a look at your ministry and see how you can be more effective in kids with special needs with the gospel.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Children in Ministry

If I want my children involved in ministry both inside and outside the walls of the Church, how might be the best way to get them involved?